⚙︎ CurationService

This services allows to query curations within the CMS. In the CMS domain this is implemented as Lists which usually contain one ore more Articles.

service CurationService {
rpc GetCuration(GetCurationRequest) returns (GetCurationResponse) {}
rpc BatchGetCuration(BatchGetCurationRequest) returns (BatchGetCurationResponse) {}


⚙︎ GetCuration

Fetch a curation by its id and return the repeated stroeer.core.v1.Article this curation contains. The response may be empty in case the curation does not contain any items.

a NOT_FOUND status code will indicate the curation id does not exist.


Field nameTypeDescription
idint64[required] id of the list to be fetched
message GetCurationRequest {
int64 id = 1;



Field nameTypeDescription
idint64the id of this list
labelstringthe label of this list
update_timeTimestampTechnical timestamp at which the curation was updated in seconds UTC time since Unix epoch.
articlesrepeated Articlecurated items of this list

message GetCurationResponse {
int64 id = 1;
string label = 2;
google.protobuf.Timestamp update_time = 3;
repeated stroeer.core.v1.Article articles = 4;


⚙︎ BatchGetCuration

Fetch multiple curations by their id and return the repeated stroeer.core.v1.Article those curations contain. The response may be empty in case the curation does not contain any items. The ordering of items will the same ordering as the ids requested.


Field nameTypeDescription
idsrepeated int64the ids of the lists to be fetched
message BatchGetCurationRequest {
repeated int64 ids = 1;



Field nameTypeDescription
curationsGetCurationResponsea single response item that corresponds to ids this service was called with.
message BatchGetCurationResponse {
repeated GetCurationResponse curations = 1;

