⚙︎ ArticleExtenderService

The ArticleExtenderService provides methods to extend an article with additional information. The main purpose is to retrieve questions for a given article to be rendered in the ArticleExtender Widget on ArticlePages.

service ArticleExtenderService {
rpc GetQuestions(GetQuestionsRequest) returns (GetQuestionsResponse) {}
rpc GetAnswer(GetAnswerRequest) returns (GetAnswerResponse) {}


⚙︎ GetQuestions

rpc GetQuestions(GetQuestionsRequest) returns (GetQuestionsResponse) {}

Returns an array of questions if the given id exists, in the vector store, an Error, otherwise.

Field nameTypeDescription
idint64[required] Unique id of the article, questions should be returned for.
message GetQuestionsRequest {
int64 id = 1;

message GetQuestionsResponse {
repeated string questions = 1;


enum QuestionSource

Information about the source of the question. User questions must be treated differently than questions that we provided.

Enum valueDescription
INITIAL_QUESTIONSThe question was part of the initial server-side response.
USERThe question is an input from the user.
enum QuestionSource {
USER = 2;
